Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Exploring My Topic: Steroid Abuse in Sports

1. Major sport stars should be issued a random drug tests to prevent cheating within the game and to prevent damaging within the athletes life.

2. Recently, I've watch many ESPN and other sport networks on Barry Bonds steroid dilemma, and also Chris Benoit's murderous rampage also due to steroids.

3. I believe that if the Sport Commissioning team were to force random drug tests to athletes, it would prevent such debates as Barry Bonds indictment to the baseball's Hall of Fame.

4. Seeing Chris Benoit (my favorite pro wrestler as a child) murder his family due to anger problems caused by steroids, really made me upset. Perhaps if he had never used steroids, his family would still be alive today.

5. Why are there no drug tests to begin with? Just like applying for a job and having to take a drug test, athletes should do the same. If Steroids are illegal to possess, why don't they prosecute the users behind it all?

6. I expect to encounter plenty of psychological issues within this debate.

7. I could watch the sport networks on t.v, there are usually steroid gossips on everyday. I can also discuss the steroid topic with a variety of die-hard sports fans that I know.

~Athletes of all kinds should undergo random drug tests to prevent such astronomical horrors and other crisis's.

1 comment:

Zupo said...

Steroid abuse in sports is a good topic, but I think that your questions don't have a lot of basis. You mention that you believe that random drug testing is needed in sports, however, they already occur especially in the MLB and NFL. Both leagues have players suspended do to random drug tests every year. With Barry Bonds, everyone knows that he did steroids, but however he has never tested positive. Also, before he started juicing he was the best player in baseball and that is why he will make the Hall of Fame one day. You might want to examine the psychological reasons why athletes turn to performance enhancing drugs and focus on the most commonly used ones and potential side effects. Also, take a look at human Growth Hormone as a performance enhancer in sports.